News Coverage on Scientific Articles
First-authored articles
Farming for the birds - Organic Farming Research Foundation (ofrf.org)
MSU study reveals inequity in journal peer review | MSUToday | Michigan State University
High winds can worsen pathogen spread at outdoor chicken farms – WSU Insider
Winds make Campylobacter more likely in outdoor chickens | WATTPoultry.com (wattagnet.com)
Strong winds help pathogens spread on poultry farms • Earth.com
EXPO preview: Pushing out pest birds | Good Fruit Grower
Bird-Friendly Agriculture: Finding the Right Balance to Benefit Birds and Farmers (and Everyone Else) | Center for Global Change & Earth Observations | Michigan State University (msu.edu) [reposted by the BES at Bird-friendly agriculture: finding the right balance to benefit birds and farmers - British Ecological Society]
Education, food safety and issues | Food Safety News
Which birds spread bacteria to produce? | Popular Science (popsci.com)
Researchers Pinpoint Which Bird Species Pose Food Safety Risk to Crops | UC Davis
UGA entomology fellow Olivia Smith | UGA Cooperative Extension
Penn State Food Safety Blog: Review - The Risk of Pathogen Spillover from Wild Birds
Mindre sprøyt, og mindre sprøytegift? (aftenbladet.no)
Co-authored articles
​Above Average: MSU ecologists review a century of statistical ecology
Sustainable farming does pay off, B.C. scientists find - Vancouver Is Awesome
"Drop industrial agriculture": Major study re | EurekAlert!
‘Diverse’ agriculture benefits people and the | EurekAlert!
The double-edged sword of diversifying agricultural systems | AGDAILY
why baboon booties are like that and other things | eco show 008 - YouTube (coverage at 36:00)
Butterfly species in the American West are declining due to climate change - The Washington Post
Hot times, summer in the city…. – Translational Ecology (duke.edu)
Butterflies increase and decline related to climate (uga.edu)
Birds thrive on farms - Story - News | Plant Pathology (uga.edu)
Cool Green Science Blogs on Scientific Articles
Linking Birds, Farmer Attitudes and Conservation (nature.org)
New Research Shows Healthy Agriculture Means Healthier Birds (nature.org)
Policy Citations
Appendix I - Natural and Working Lands Technical Support Document - Overton
WHO guidelines on recreational water quality: volume 1: coastal and fresh waters
Features in Collaborating Growers' Blogs
How Big Is April Joy Farm | Part II — April Joy Certified Organic Farm | Ridgefield, WA
Summer CSA Share – #11 – pitchfork & crow (pitchforkandcrow.com)
May 2016 – pitchfork & crow (pitchforkandcrow.com)
5/19 Full Belly Beet (campaign-archive.com)
Wikipedia page citations
Science communication - Wikipedia
Other Features About Me (e.g., awards)
EEB postdoc Smith shoots, scores in bird-related news - Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (msu.edu)
Two members receive USDA-NIFA postdoctoral fellowships - Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (msu.edu)